What is occurring at this moment in history is an evolution in human consciousness, so seize the opportunity, because the evolution is now.
Max Igan: The Calling
What is occurring at this moment in history is an evolution in human consciousness, so seize the opportunity, because the evolution is now. The key is in love and unity among all mankind. Through conscious co creation we can very easily build a better world because the ones we have been waiting for, are ourselves.
The CrowHouse:
// All content posted on this channel is with the freedom and belief of that of the user.
// All content posted on this channel is with the intent of sharing a perspective of knowledge through entertainment.
// All content posted on this channel is with the appreciation deserved to all the creators for their production realisations.
Thank you for watching.
- The real crisis is the war on our consciousness
- Perception is reality
- Let us all see success.