Invisible Empire reveals the secret agenda of our planet’s ruthless Super-class in stunning detail. The documentary chronicles those in power have worked together for centuries to create an oppressive world government.
Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
The film presents viewers with the facts how this global oligarchy controls the people through drug trafficking, money laundering, organised terrorist attacks, propaganda, and debt. These criminals have been able to dominate the world and are not in the last phase of consolidating power. This movie is a damning indictment of the globalists using their own words and documents.
It is not a conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy fact. The New World Order is open for all to see. Unelected bureaucrats continue to establish regional unions under a superstate. They have plans for a global tax and a cashless society in which everyone will be micro-chipped from birth.
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Best Wishes.
- The real crisis is the war on our consciousness
- Perception is reality
- Let us all see success.