Video introduction to be added here. A paragraph of a sentence or two will suffice.
Albert Einstein – How I See The World
Video introduction to be added here. A paragraph of a sentence or two will suffice. Read more
Nikola Tesla – They Tried To Make The World Forget His Name
Video introduction to be added here. A paragraph of a sentence or two will suffice. Read more
Stephen Hawking’s Universe – The Story of Everything (2010)
Video introduction to be added here. A paragraph of a sentence or two will suffice. Read more
Max Igan: The Awakening
In this film Max Igan attempts to explain to you, the real structure of this reality, the nature of energy and of the light and sound that make up this entire universe and everyone and everything contained within it.
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Max Igan: The Calling
What is occurring at this moment in history is an evolution in human consciousness, so seize the opportunity, because the evolution is now.
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Max Igan: Trance-Formation
Trans-humanism, the final frontier or the final prison? Does it represent humanity reaching its greatest potential or facing its greatest threat?
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